

Psychology Curriculum Overview<\/strong><\/em><\/span><\/h2>\n


Here at 天涯社区, we aim to securely equip all<\/u><\/strong> of our students for life beyond school as successful, confident, responsible and respectful citizens. We believe that education provides the key to social mobility<\/strong> and our curriculum is designed to build strong foundations in the knowledge, understanding and skills which lead to academic and personal success<\/strong>.\u00a0 We want our students to enjoy <\/strong>the challenges that learning offers.<\/p>\n

Our aims are underpinned by a culture of high aspirations<\/strong>. Through developing positive relationships, we work towards every individual having a strong belief in their own abilities so that they work hard, build resilience and achieve <\/strong>their very best.<\/p>\n



The curriculum includes formal teaching, in-class group\/team activities, independent work, paired work, research projects and home learning opportunities. We regularly review content to ensure we continue to meet our curriculum aims. The Psychology curriculum allows student to develop an understanding of the discipline of Psychology and its wider application to the society in which they live. It helps them to develop critical thinking skills, oracy skills through discussion and debate as well as higher order thinking abilities such as evaluation and analysis.<\/p>\n

Throughout the course, students study various psychological ideas, processes, techniques and procedures within various topics. The GCSE in Psychology follows a clear and straightforward structure. It contains exciting subject content, helping students explain everyday social phenomena. There is a balance of classic and modern psychological theory and research, emphasis on \u2018doing psychology\u2019, and a focus on mental health. The curriculum and Psychology course has been developed with cooperation and strong links with employers and Higher Education to provide learners with a qualification that\u2019s relevant to them and meets their needs. The curriculum should be enjoyable to students and it should bring the subject to life and inspire students to achieve more. The aim is to encourage students to become responsible for their own learning, confident in discussing ideas, innovative and engaged.<\/p>\n

Over the course of the curriculum students will develop an ability and confidence to use specialist vocabulary, psychological concepts, terminology and conventions to engage in the process of psychological enquiry. They will acquire knowledge and understanding of psychology, developing an understanding of self and others, and how psychological understanding can help to explain everyday social phenomena. They will understand how psychological research is conducted, including the role of scientific method and data analysis and be able to present information, develop arguments and draw conclusions through a critical approach to psychological evidence, developing as reflective thinkers. Students will develop an understanding of the relationship between psychology and personal, moral, social and cultural issues, and develop an understanding of ethical issues in psychology. Finally they will develop an understanding of psychological issues, the contribution of psychology to individual, social and cultural diversity, and how psychology contributes to society.<\/p>\n


Throughout our programmes of study, every attempt is made to make explicit links to careers and the world of work. In addition to subject specific links, we aim to explicitly reinforce the skills and aptitudes which support employers say are important in the workplace;<\/p>\n